
Author - Nick Parkinson

Biography to follow.

NET Power delivers electricity to grid

NET Power has delivered electricity on to the ERCOT grid from its 50 MWth test facility in La Porte, Texas. The clean energy company, whose technology generates zero-emission electricity from natural gas, claims it is...

Ungru wins IWDC’s top award

Dave Ungru, President/CEO of Koehler Welding Supply, Inc., was presented the Bob Jackson Memorial Award at the Independent Welding Distributors Cooperative’s (IWDC) Owners’ Meeting in Reynolds, Georgia, US (27th-30th October).

Volunteer Welding joins Meritus

Volunteer Welding Supply, Inc. has become the latest company to sign a partnership with Meritus Gas Partners, which is assembling a federation of independent distributors of industrial, medical, specialty gases and welding supplies in North...

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